
Solaris 10 Operating System x86 Platform Edition documentation covers information on how to install the operating system in a virtual machine. For additional information about the operating system, refer to the instructions included in the installation media.

Solaris 10 Operating System x86 Platform Edition documentation includes the following topics:

Installation Instructions

VMware products support only the x86 Platform Edition. You cannot install the SPARC Platform Edition in a VMware virtual machine.
To install Solaris 10 Operating System in a virtual machine you can use the standard Solaris 10 for x86 installation media. The following installation instructions are for standard distribution CD set or DVD.


Before you begin, verify that the following tasks are complete:

  • Read General Installation Instructions for All VMware Products.
  • VMware Server or ESX Server
    • For the Solaris 10 8/11 release, Sun recommends 1.5GB of memory. 1.5GB is the minimum requirement.
    • For the Solaris 10 9/10 release, Sun recommends 1GB of memory. 768MB is the minimum requirement.
    • For the Solaris 10 1/06 release, Sun recommends 512MB of memory. 256MB is the minimum requirement.
    • For the Solaris 10 3/05 release, Sun recommends 256MB of memory. 128MB is the minimum requirement.
  • Before upgrading a virtual machine's guest operating system to the latest Solaris 10 release, increase the virtual machine's RAM. See your VMware product documentation for instructions. For more information see the System Requirements and Recommendations for Solaris 10 Installation, on the Oracle Web site at: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/server-storage/solaris10/documentation/index.html.
  • Due to a third-party issue, you cannot start a Solaris 10 U9 64-bit guest with more than 16 vCPUs. You can use the multicore feature to set the vCPUs to 32, for example with 16 virtual sockets and 2 cores per socket or use Solaris 10 U10 or later.

Installation Steps

  1. Insert the Solaris 10 Operating System for x86 Platforms DVD or the Solaris 10 Software 1 CD in the DVD or CD-ROM drive.
  2. Power on the virtual machine.
  3. Follow the prompts to complete the installation.
  4. Install VMware Tools.

VMware Tools in a Solaris 10 Operating System x86 Platform Edition Guest

On ESX, VMware Tools is supported on ESX 3.x and later.

For information on VMware Tools, see Knowledge base article 1014294, General VMware Tools installation instructions, at http://kb.vmware.com/kb/1014294.

Knowledge Base Articles for Solaris 10 Operating System x86 Platform Edition

The following link refers to knowledge base articles on operating system specific issues. See VMware Knowledge Base for a list of known issues about the operating system.

VMware Compatibility Guide

The VMware Compatibility Guide Web site lists supported guest and host operating systems and provides related support information.

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