
The Amazon Linux 2 documentation covers information on how to install the operating system in a virtual machine.

The Amazon Linux 2 documentation includes the following topics:

Installation Instructions

Amazon distributes Amazon Linux 2 for vSphere in an OVA format. To download Amazon Linux 2 OVA, go to Amazon Linux 2 virtual machine images.

For information about how to deploy an Amazon Linux 2 VM on a VMware ESXi host, see Deploy an OVF or OVA Template and Running Amazon Linux 2 as a Virtual Machine On-Premises.

For information about how to customize an Amazon Linux 2 Guest OS, see Customizing Guest Operating Systems.

For additional information about Amazon Linux 2, see the Amazon Linux 2 User Guide.

VMware Tools in an Amazon Linux 2 Guest

Use Open VM Tools provided by the guest OS.

Open VM Tools is the open source implementation of VMware Tools and consists of a suite of virtualization utilities that improves the functionality, administration, and management of virtual machines on VMware hypervisors. You should use the Open VM Tools version redistributed by the operating system vendors.

The OVA file of Amazon Linux 2 release includes open-vm-tools. The image is configured to run open-vm-tools automatically and start the service through systemd.

For additional information, see:

Knowledge Base Articles for Amazon Linux 2

The following links refer to knowledge base articles on operating system specific issues:

VMware Compatibility Guide

The VMware Compatibility Guide Web site lists supported guest and host operating systems and provides related support information.

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